Friday, September 7, 2007

The road not taken..(standing at the junction, making final desicion which road should i take)

i think you guys had know the meaning of the poem 'The road not taken' . It is talking about the poet come to a point in his life when he has to make a choice. The direction he decided to take will affect his future. The poet choose the second option because it looked interesting and a path few people have taken. The poet realizes that make decision is not easy. However, he knows that once a decision is made there is no turning back or room for regret.
i worst then him. He meet a road with two branches. i meet the road with lots of brunches. Just one step wrong, whole life end meaningless. What should i do? Why every times this problem come during test? i really hoping that Teresa will reply my message so that i have people to share my stupid story and give me some advice.
Exam is just around the corner, i decided to not study after one whole series of my stupid life. Every time i started to read, must have another problem will pop up to stop me. The best awy to stop the situation is stop read of exam.
All my though had messed up. Don't know what should i do, what should i write. Hope this situation will change better....

Friday, August 17, 2007

New classroom-bad image

Today is the last day we stay at class 4A. We will move to Wisma Tiong Hua after recess. i feel nothing about that. However, after i move the chair to the new classroom i damn hate that building. The class is at the forth floor-top floor. From the entrance of school till my class it was a tiring walk. Thats alright, just accept it as a exercise every morning. When i stepped in the classroom, i put my beg down, and looked around. What? No fan above my seat? The worst is no WINDOW near my seat. Never mind, is my fate. i was so boring after settle the classroom. i stand at corridor and i saw few pairs of bird pass by. At the same time, her image and her message appear in my mind. i hope i can jump down from there.
The bad luck still follow me like a chewing gum under your shoe. How hard you want to get ride of it, it is a impossible task. my relationship with her went down the hill as time pass by. She said i am changing and she not like it. Thats the reason she not talk to me much. Guys... What changes i have make? Stop speaking rude word? That is her advise before this. Please don't say that changes is i become more friendly with other girls. If it like this i will happy, at least you will jealous. Please tell me what had i change that you not like. i will change back. lastly, as the time pass by, all things will change, the only things that doesn't change is my heart. I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Double character.

This few days, i found out that i am a double character human. So, next time i cant write as myself, it should be myselves. lol. You guys must wondering how i know i am double character. i changed mentally again this few days. For the last few years i start to stop killing mosquito. However i killed few of them in this few days. Impossible i will give them a slap if i didn't change. Besides, boys like me will definitely look at girls. As for myself, i can sure that i am not flower hearted. However, i came to a change. i still love MY as all know. For my other character, i am still loving her from the depth of my heart. Some of you might know her. Every time came to the changes for character, i became confuse. Who am i loving? Both? Maybe. But the changes came faster and faster. Few month a change and now, i will change at any moment.
Damn hate myself now!!!!!!!!!!! But i won't suicide myselves.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Anything around me??

After the first time i feel the bad luck is stick with me for a long time, i went through the process of self changing. It was well in the progress as i told you guys in the previous post. i though i pass the test, however, i think it came back for me again with purpose.
But why i am always the target? Why it won"t go for others? Just like my mom keep annoying me and the sound pollution form the opposite shop. You guys must just logically know what is sound pollution. Write out a essay is such a hard task as you guys seldom will face. Want to have the feel? Come my house at night, before the shop close. Every time i wanna start study, concert is open opposite house.
This morning, i was totally went mad. i get angry again. The worst thing is the person i scold is a girl. Just like usual, my heart start to get painful after i get angry. Whole things happen was like u driving fast and a cat walk across the road. When u hit the brake, the car didn't slow down and hit the cat and continue the journey. i was the same. i was controlling my temper but it was uncontrollable.
"Last time u r quite gentlemen de, but now? Getting worst". This was extract from a lovely girl message. i almost faint when i saw this. After ask advice from Tian, i know i was totally wrong.
No matter what happen, i should not scold a girl so loud in front of so many person. i appologize on the next day. i become more sad when i saw a post in one of the forum i visit. Title is 10 reason why girls love a boy. One of the reason is, able to control his temper and not always get angry. Oh my GOD! What have i done? One big wrong step for my lovely future. Maybe because of this, all my effort is useless.
Now, i want to tell 'u' that i wont scare 'u' as i face u once not long ago. i believe that i will win this game. If 'u' still wanna continue play with me. 'u' will be lose. i won't scare because i can't see 'u'....

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


My blog was once again abandon by me for few days. Although it was only few days, many things around had make me having conflict in my heart.
Firstly, i wanna make some correction about my last post. The whole second paragraph was writing about my dream. So please don't confuse about that Tian.
Secondly, i wanna share my latest experience of making changes on myself. After i can control rude word from coming out of my mouth, i now trying to bring myself back to the world of study, world of hardworking. However, not everything will run as smooth as we think. Yesterday, i start to do revision after i had my lunch till time of dinner. i very satisfy with my revision. After dinner, Fung came my house to do Add math till 10pm. My mom was just asking me go take my bath again and again. Normally, i can play my with my dear com after school till 10pm and nothing will happen. But why? Why i going to make better change for myself and i face so many obstacle. For example, i called for bath after i came back from tuition.
Tian really think a lot as lss say just now during tuition(after reading his blog). lol.. Anyway, as a friend i will always mentally support you as i facing financial problem.
Thats all for today. i need to stop for bath. If not, tomorrow you guys can see my face at the news paper. Hope you guys happy forever...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Continue writing because have comment

Today is the third day i write blog in the month of July. 1st reason i continue to write blog is Tian's comment. 2nd reason is YS ( yee sing not yu seng) maybe wanna to have a look on it. 3rd is i wanna train my writing skill as i say on the first blog.

Tian, things have pass and no need to know. i think i have said my dream at physic lab today. My face are pimple free. In addition, my target that you know had become my girlfriend as i wish. The atmosphere was so nice.

This is the time that i hate most. Because my brain was blank and don't know how to continue here. So i had to stop here. Bye.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Today got feel to write blog

i try very hard to avoid playing computer games but it doesn't make change. i planing to quit myth war and stop gaming during this few weeks until the final test is over. i sell some of my item with cash to my friend. When i tell Alvin i gonna quit myth war then he ask me to play mo siang. i try hard to avoid but i can't get rid of gaming world. Sorry brother, i trying my best on it. Don't push me so hard if u wanna me to be happy and not overstressed.

This few weeks i starting to making change on myself. besides quit gaming, i also try to control those rude word that always come out from my mouth. Compare to quit gaming, controlling rude word is so successful. i almost can take back control from rude word. Rude word free now.

This few weeks when i trying to changing myself i feel somethings that so long i didn't feel it. That is... My old target start having feeling with me. i so happy of it. But i reject her with a reason only. Time had pass, heart had change. Please don't let your chance passing by. Take it because it maybe won't have next time. i recall back this answer for few time, is my fault? or this is my chance? i don't know and i don't want to know. Today i know what i want. What i want is my dream comes true. Because i have dream for so long and the dream is so sweet.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Hi all.. i am back...

Hi guys.. How you guys doing? Didn't you guys miss my blog?? If yes, i say sorry here. i have no mood at all for blogging during these days... But now i am back.

The monthly test had came visit us again. It just around the corner. But what i doing is relaxing although my mid-year test score so lousy. Because i know i can't expect so much for study and better put more time for relax, relax and also relax.

For your information, Teresa still no reply my SMS and this is the 5th week. i have gone through with it although it is quite boring because Pang also no SMS me. i think i still can go through this situation..

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Hi all.. i just remember my password.. So sad that my memory
decrease so much... Today, in Chinese lesson we read, use mobile phone more than one minute will cause dead of brain cells... maybe this is the reason.. Hope T who always chat with me wont have this problem... lol...

The good news for me is.. i just manage to get 18th in my class.. So pity... i still think i can get above 15... Broken dreams..

The second news is the robotic competition is around the corner... i think we not prepare enough as the robot is not so stable...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

i feel regred for didn't writing blog

My English become so lousy now days. Just because of didn't write my blog everyday as i promise in the first post. i feel so regret now. i promise for the second time and no third time for this promise.

Tell you guys a good news. i passed my law test last week... Thanks for the protection of the angel who always support me. i didn't fully read the exercise book and i scare i will fail.. But lucky i passed..

This few days in constructing a forum. Hope you guys will give support.

Thats all for today.. Thanks...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Yo man!!

How are you guys. i forgot my blogger the password so didn't manage to post blog as i said for continue my legend.. This few days was and rush day. luckily last Friday still have free time although T had come for a surprise.. i make her angry because didn't come home at time.. Don't talk about her.. Change topic..

My test!!! i need a coffin for me along this test. All drop down. But still no mood study... don't know can talk about what. Stop here then!! Bye all. Good luck in test..

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Second Day of Form 4 Test

KONBANWA!!! Good evening!!! How is everybody with our test today??? i was very happy because what i read well does not come out in the History test. i only can answer 2 essay question because i have no idea to write the others.

For EST, i was great success!!! 20min to finish it!!! But still have one or two question i don't know how to do. Which fruit need to be cooked before eat. i don't know how to answer the question. how stupid am i. just like pig that only eat things that in front of it because the things that its master put must eatable. haha.. two more weeks to go!! good luck all!!! God Bless You!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Continue the legend of bloging during test

Today is the first day of test. Only Malay is tested today. Only one word can describe my result. DIE. Now i scare of failed in the test. But why at first i now do revision although all my friend do it early the month..

useless for regarding now!!! just go read my history!!!

Monday, May 7, 2007

once again, i'm BACK!!

Yo everyone! Miss me??? i think no one will do so(but i hope so).. LOL... This few days was so busy, the time just rush by without any kindness. i pass the month of April without doing anything that is meaningful. Time just pass and i feel that i loss many precious time. i use it up for unimportant things such as go for dentist and doing the robotic.

Last Friday, me, Yong and Fung went to SMK Agama to attend the last lesson for robotic. It was so special that whole hall only have one light is on. And we are below it, we just like star(just my though)... I am happy that we manage to finish half of the track till grab the empty tin. It is much more better than the time we practise in school.

For Saturday, i went for Dentist Chung, which located in town. i waste whole morning for just take turn to see the dentist. It was 11pm when my turn comes. Then i hardly can talk for 3 hours. DAMN.

Sunday, i sleep till 10 am because my teeth not in pain any more. Thanks God! In the evening, i received a paper that need my attendance to SMK Agama agian!!! Agama! Agama! Agama! Agama! Agama! Boring of this word already..

Today, i went to SMK Agama at 7.30am after assembly. We have a walk in the school till the end is their canteen. Only teacher is taking hiw breakfast there. The most happy thing is we have our recess after we came back from SMK Agama.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Add math marks... 78 T.T

Yo! Mr Chung return our add math test paper to us. i was damn sad as it was far from my target, full marks. After that, we ask Mr Chung who is the highest marks in our class. He say maybe is me. My heart of sadness was calm down for awhile. At least, i am the highest in the class, same with the meaning if i get full marks. Few minutes later, Mr Chung shout out loud from the teacher table. 80 is the highest mark! WOW! i seems like drop down from peak of the Mount K2. The next mountain i wanna climb is the mountain of myself. It is the hardest mountain.

As for Pang, she got 28 mark. Better than last test. On the other hand, our best friend, can count as our brother too, he got the same mark compare to last test. Hope you two score better in the coming exam, and also for all of my friend.

CONGRATULATION for dear Tze Yee!!! You got the highest mark for Malay test at your own class. I hope i will do it too... Remember of our competition...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

yo.. always in sleepy mode

Hi man!! i am energetic to write blog today. Last night i manage to sleep early at night, that is 11pm. Wake up again suddenly though is morning. i rubbed my eyes and look at the time in my hp, it is 12am. i saw 2 new massages. It is from Pang. She writes "haven...lik wanna vomit.. but cant..." . She is in suffer. Thats why i am wake up by it??? i think not. Will she think of me when sick or when she think of me then she feel wanna vomit? lol...

Return to my test result. My result was bad this time. Only my history is better than last time. It wish form my dear Lin Tze Yee. Hope i didn't spell wrong her name. Next time need ask her to wish not only form my history subject. i improve well in this subject, but for the rest that returned from teacher hand, all my dream burst. i know this will happen because i feel that last week was bad for me. i told Pang before and she ask me to think open. But still can't run from my fate. Two conclusion here, a girl's wish is powerful and fate is fate. No one will run from it.

This 22th of April i will go hear lesson with xiang and miemie. hope it won't be so boring at there. What i need to do is reload my hp with 30 credit to chat with friends.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

what is the different between a pro and a noobs in world of love???

the second post of the day..

Anyone can answer my question above? I really wish to know... Lets study the story below.

A guy was proud of his two real life love story that end with a good ending. He still being together with each other with a good relationship as God-sister. Someone heard his happy ending love story and immediately give him the pro status. But after i share my opinion with some of my friend, i totally fainted for two minutes. In their opinion, a love story with a happy ending is not as happy as they think, a love story with a bad ending is true romance. Now i know that the guy was noobs. But in this few month, after a long journey away from his story, bring his pro status, he is now facing a problem. He is so pity. As someone guidance in love, and finally he fall in traps. His heart going wild. Stopped his real life to a pretending life. This was his suffer..

The pro guy above is the pity, stupid, idiot me... i am pawned at this point and stop moving.. NOW. i accept my fate. i will control myself from going wild... hope you guys support me..

yo.. i am back...

How are you guys? I am back for my blogging. How about you? Actually I wanna to continue my legend of blogging during test period but my health not permit me to do so. I am weak at night time and moodless to open my computer and blog. What I done during yesterday night was only lying on the bed and thinking of her till i fall asleep.

Today is the last day of April's test. Our last subject was Chemistry. The subject thta use most of the memories of brain. I read through it at school but can't get in to my mind as my mind is loaded by someone. So, i am waiting to sleep inside the coffin- dead. But i was lucky that my eyes still stay with me and preform well during the test. haha.

Three days for test had pass. And what I waiting is the computer fair is around the corner.... Yeah... My mood is back after the test is over.. And if you are staying tune with my blog, i sure that i will post it rapidly... Thats all from me man... Night guys...


Friday, March 16, 2007

long time no blogging............

Hello, Guys...
How are you so far? Still feeling great with your school holiday? Or OPPOSITE, worst? For me, just like normal holiday. Sleep Early in the morning about 1am. i hope that i can sleep until at least 10am. But because of these boring tuition, i need wake up early at 7.30am for it. DAMN sleepy of the whole week.
Today, new teacher named 'Little Dragon Lady' have took over Miss Ling Burden for teaching us English. For the tuition period, we just done question 26-30 for the most of the time. If Miss Ling still teaching, it will not be so slow. A turtle can compare with its speed. And no more PUNISHMENT for it. Yeah..
And for me, still like that idiot. Still can't manage my time wisely. During test, blogging as my life. But holiday? Can't even think of blogging if my sis didn't ask me for blogging... STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just like a PEST...

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Dinner at Mr.Been

Today, like normal, i woke up at 10am because i sleep at 1am in the morning. After i woke up, i ate bread as my breakfast. However, bread is just a bread. Even cannot stick on my stomach wall for long. i boiled Maggi for my lunch. After my lunch, i look at my hp whether have people find me or not. Than i realize that the time is only 11.55am. Means i take my lunch in the morning.

In the night, i went to Mr.been for my dinner with my dad and his friend. No star form me for the food. It only special at its crispy Ice-Cream. I choose the mints favor. A thumb for it. i meet Yong at there. i can't believe that Yong is a lamb that eat his own family, lamb chop. lol.

A good news for Chin Vun Bin. This is my fault. Wong xiao en, 3A student, MIRC with Nicholas last year. She ask me tell her who is Nicholas. As we all know, Nicholas not like me, every time must accompany by friend. When i point out who is Nicholas to her, she think that i pointing at Bin. And now have a bit feel to his 'Nicholas'. After the 1st sport day of school, she knew the real Nicholas and say me cheet her. She heard that Nicholas have playing in the match. But bin just be a ref. lol... Bin, Bin, Bin....


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Long story.....

Hi all, after few days no write blog, i have many things want to share with you guys. First is yesterday afternoon. My bro and his friends went to Star complex, the only one cinema at Sandakan, The Nature City. But i didn't went together. It is the day of my badminton match. Although i win all match but is win the lower form. DAMN. But it is tiring because of long time no play badminton. So i decided to go home for rest. i thinking is this my faith? The school bus i usually follow had broke down near the school. Me and one of my friend need push the school bus to the road side. Who knows the girls are so intelligent. With their brilliant brain, none of them 'jump down' the bus. We pushed the car with the girls inside it. Bus aunty asked us to follow bus home. Some of the young girl even don't know how to cross the road. So 4 girls and 3 boys included me went into the same bus. The first one went down the bus is my friend and his cousin. Jason then say he need to bring 2 girls back home which live in Sibuga. That mean left a girl who live in Mawar no people company. So i decided to company home. It is so tiring to walk to her house from the market. Then i went back home alone.

Today is the day i won't forget. Our class just have 14 student come. i company by my friend Seng. We walk round and round in the school until we settle down our stomach at the school canteen. We then play 'dok dok' for awhile. We also went to watch the dance competition. My red house team was bad i think. Who knows they can get the 1st runner up. The yellow house team which lead by Bonny didn't win any prize. And i found that red house have a very good potential in sport. Last year it got the first when it count form the end, but this year was the winner. WINNER!!! We Are The Champian...

I hear some news about Bonny. That is he have a new album being release. And a bad news for boys. Although my friend ask me not say out, but i need warning all of the boy to have a distance with him.... lolz.. DANGER.....

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I am back for bloging

this few days i just be a forum 版主. The forum is is my luck. hope you guys come support me...

For your information, three of my badminton match had win. This also luck from teacher. All my option is lower form one.

nothing special for today.. That all i think..

Saturday, March 3, 2007

my first photo posting

This is the first time i post my photo on internet. This because i lose my gamble with my god-sis from kk. When we meet last night, "no any hug and kisses for you this time, because your face have too many 'Volcanoes'," she said. Then she take some photo of me with her new camera and need me post up to internet to show my friend how ugly i am. i also take one photo myself that is the photo that shows me are very white. Lol. Don't talk about her because you guys also don't know her.

Today, i needed to went back to school to get award from school for my 6A in PMR. The funny things is our school principal translate her speech to Chinese. As we all know, she can't speak well in Chinese, and made a huge mistake for our theme this year. She pronouns wrongly. Never Mind. A Malay-looking principal usually will lead to this type of problem.

After tuition i go back home alone by bus. i meet few pretty girl in the bus. Impossible. But is true. Then, ,my god-sis give me a call and we have our dinner in my house.

My warmth bed is calling for me. Thats all from today.


Thursday, March 1, 2007

@#$%! unlucky day@#$%!

Today is the day which add math test paper will be given back to us. i had know of my marks, but i still remained silent after i get back form the funny teacher, Mr Chung's hand. Because i know Pang's mark was very low. i feel very sad of her mark. After she got back her reddish paper, i turned back and ask her don't be sad. "Why you not teach her? your add math so good," i heard sound of a lion beside my Bro, Ly. lol... If ly u see this please don't angry. i teach her few question and i alerted that our funny teacher is in sleeping condition. i tell my Bro and he said don't care about him. Suddenly, funny teacher had woke up and stared teach. OMG! i not mood to receive anything that come out from his mouth now.

i decided to stay at school for badminton. i go out of school with Pang because she needs to walk alone. Then i tell my bus auntie that i not going home now. When i walk back to school i saw my friend and he tell me that the chair for tomorrow raptai had well arrange and maybe no badminton for today. SHIT. i only can play at beside of the court where there were not well arranged chair. How unlucky am i..

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

the stupid decision

Yesterday evening, i was sms with her once i woke up from my afternoon nap. i made up of a stupid decision that is, i told her that i had fall in love with her. One day have 22 hours her image will appear on my mind. Thats why i drink a lot of wine so that i can sleep well in the night. But, this few day i feel that i am sick. Reason is the huge amount of wine i taken in. And start from now, i swear that i won't drink so much. Today morning, i alerted that i finish a pack of red wine this few days. lol.

It is full of Sadness and a bit of happiness in my heart. This is because the Marks of my history. Last time it was my strongest subject, but now only get 54 marks. The reason of happy is because Pang score better than me. lol. Good news for me is i have 4 A1, that is chinese, add math, math and English. A A2 from the subject of physic. thats means i got 5 A. i was very happy indeed. But i hate my moral, as i said before, i failed this subject.

Today, our chemistry teacher, Mr Lo ask us to do PEKA. It is nothing funny that teacher have mistake in the experiment. Because we all are human, we must have mistake. But Lo failed the experiment for two time. Actually he wants to show us the method of the experiment. But didn't success. So, the only proverb for Mr Lo is 'practice makes prefect'. lol. i know this is true but never put it in my practice.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What i say doesn't mean what i pledge

Today morning, because is a cold and raining day when i was woke up. i go take half cup of Golden Blue that my bro left at my house when he come back from Labuan. i don't know why its temperature was so low. i finish it in one time. Yesterday i drink Red Wine also finish it in one time. The result for yesterday i sweat a lot at school because of need bring in the table from the corridor. Today not same. It was very cold. i can feel the temperature when it reach my stomach. Totally STUNNED. i not feeling well after that. A bit of drunk.

Today is the second day of school after holiday. We,form 4A got back a lot of its test paper. i was glad that i manage to get 3 A1 in math, add math and chinese. But for Moral. Holy!!! Can't get it pass. What a pity guy. A half genius without knowing any moral. i must study hard to make it pass. But as my title listed. What i say doesn't mean what i pledge. Aways at a loose end is a part of my character. My friend knew this.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

A rainy day

i woke up at 8am today. The sky around my house as cloudy as my heart. i predict that it will raining cats and dogs. My prediction is true but didn't know it will rain almost whole day. i thinking of start study today but i have my running nose from the time i woke up. i watch DVD to fill my free time. At 11am i realized that i not yet eat my breakfast. i make Nestum myself and drink it quickly.

After my breakfast, i lie on my bed looking at the rain fall through the window. i start thinking of her again. OMG. i wish to forget her or be her bf. i was suffering now. Haiks. STOP THINKING OF HER... i try my best but i can't. i need go sleep again to stop thinking her for awhile. Bye guys...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

a lucky day

I woke up early this morning by the sing of my friend cellphone. My friend told me that his phone left at my house yesterday. i answered his phone and predict what he will say. And the word i predicted was matched with what he said."!@#%$*, my phone left at your home,". Lolz. A lots of rude words rush into my ears once i answered the call.

After i wash my face, my dad friend drop by for a visit. i greed them good morning loudly and continue upload my 'blind as a bat'. i call dick and ask him what time he come. The time maybe is about 10am. He said he just woke up and can't come to my house. After awhile i received a call from Clarinna, she asked me where am i. i was at home that time and ask me what time go her house. Damn. When i say i will go her house. Andrew is there. i just ask Andrew why he didn't come my house. "i woke up late so i though u guys come here liao," he answered.

Lee come at 12.45pm. Then we went for our tuition class by Safari. The usual time for tuition is 3 hours, but because today is 7th of the new year, we request for an hour of free time for 'dok dok'. In this one hour, i only lose few ringgit. This is consider lucky for me because i was bad in this game. i usually lose a lot in an hour. i come back home by a Proton Saga. i continue my time with my notebook. My notebook had become my company for this few days. i can't take my eyes out of you(my notebook). lolz. i play Mythwar till now and writing this blog. There was raining cats and dogs just now. It stopped now and is time of my date with my warmth bed.

Song that i love... lyric possed

This song is hard to find although is the song of the King of Rock. It need to paid to download.

I'm not afraid to show you who I am
And I am not ashamed of my life
Though I've walked alone
down this cold and soulless road
I've always felt your heat in my bones

With every step I rise and fall
With everything to gain
I end up losing it all
When the darkness gets in
I scream out and your light sets me free

I'm not afraid of the past no more
I'm not afraid and I'm bad for good
I used to dance to the devil's beat
If I could bust into hell I would

I'm not afraid to shed all my skin
I'm not afraid of the faults you see
I'm tearing down these walls right now
They're comin' down 'cause I believe

Your love is blind, blind as a bat
The way that you're
leading me home like that
Your love is blind, blind as bat

I'm not afraid when they kick me down
I'm not afraid when I start to bleed
I'm not afraid if I live or die
I'm not afraid 'cause I believe

Your love is blind, blind as a bat
The way that you're
leading me home like that
Your love is blind, blind as bat

And I wish that I could
give you something in return
For the precious time you wasted
on the tears I've never earned
For reaching out to help me
'cross the bridges that I burned

And in the end you'll finally see
That, baby, I've done
everything I possibly can
I do it again 'cause know
you're everything that I need

I'm not afraid of the the truth no more
I'm not afraid of the lies I hid
I'm not afraid of the past of my sins
'Cause I paid for the wrongs I did

I'm not afraid of the things you know
I'm just a book for the world to read
My final words on the final page
Will be amends 'cause I believe

Your love is blind, blind as a bat
The way that you're
leading me home like that
Your love is blind, blind as bat
Your heart is kind, mine's painted black
The way me forgive me
and just take me back
Your love is blind, blind as bat

Your love is blind, blind as a bat
The way that you're
leading me home like that
Your love is blind, blind as bat

Your heart is kind,
mine's painted black
The way me forgive me
and just take me back
Your love is blind, blind as bat...

Friday, February 23, 2007

the 2nd post for the day...

i just come back from my mom's friend open house. i knew i will boring at there. So i bring along my 1GB mp3. i put in new songs from PussyCat, Cassie, and Meat Loaf. i went there to represent my mom cause she have friend come our house.
In this few hours, i just sit there and hearing music. i saw a quite pretty girl. But this make me think about another girl. i compare the girl with ww and the girl i think about. Although the girl that i thinking is a bit of fat. lolz. but she is cute. ww cant even stand beside. haha.
i really know why i will write my emotion in my blog in now days. But i was happy that i have time to write this second blog... time for bed had come. Last night didn't sleep well because of her. Tonight don't will have the same situation or not? Hope not because Dick them will come to my house tomorrow morning...

untitled post

For hundreds of year i feel that i am the boring person in the world. Today, me didn't feel so bored. WHY? i woke up at 10am, i didn't sleep well because thinking of someone. i lying on the bed till 12.30pm.... i eat lunch but not breakfast. After i finish my lunch, my sis come because she say she was boring in the house. So, i company her play poker. After that i company her home at 4pm. Then i walk to Mawar to find my 'kai jie'. i walk to her house, she not there. I recall back that she told me before that she won't be at home because her house is very hot. So i walk to her shop. her mom tell me that she go in kem. Damn. Can't see her for this few day. i have a walk around the Taman, i was tiring. i so long didn't walk for so long and now i realize why Nicholas so tired when Yong bring him to Holland. i really need take more exercise. lolz....

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Inside a BIG cage.

After 17 years i live in this world, i feel that i was living in two type of cage. First is burden from my parents. Sounds normal. Every parents hope the best from their own children. There are no different of Alvin's mom and my mom. Start annoying again.
the second one is in the love cage. After i break with my gf, i think i totally change from the innermost. Maybe i always stay with Nicholas and Yong. LoLz. What a good reason. Joke only. But had i really change??? Me, myself also dunno...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

the happy time in Lee's house.

Last night i went to Lee's house for party. i bring something that i think consider as 'firework'. i win it from my friend. Then i won some and i feel very happy when i back. Who know i forget that i bought 2 bottle of sprite last night. It cost about RM6. count back what i won, is just a pack of 'firework' and 2 bottle of sprite. lolz.
i only drink wine and only drink during special day. I drank few cups of wine at Lee's house. just like drink water. i also one kick with Lua. Sorry that i challenge her, i don't know she is sick. But she still looks ok. in other hand, Yong, Nicholas just like me. pretend drunk. But finally i really feel a bit of drunk. but still know what is happening. conclusion is didnt drink enough. LOLz. Nephas had come already.

Monday, February 19, 2007

the second day of Chinese mew year

I suppose to woke up early at 7o'clock. But i woke up at 8o'clock. After pray, i go out with my family. i wanna gamble, i cant control my hand. But the adult have enough "legs" so don't have my turn. PITY. i go watch tv now and sleep later... no long story for today. haha...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year to all

Today is the day that my mood change good. Maybe is because my God-sister cheer me up. The night is still early but i have my Panda's eyes on already. Last night i sleep at 4 o'clock and wake my at 7o'clock because the noise of the lion dance.
I start my online gaming life yesterday. The game is call Mythwar. Just few hours i upgrade to lvl 13. continue gaming...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

I am a PIG...

My brain is equal to the the brain of a pig. I can't determine what is more important. I can bloging during my test, but i didnt touch my notebook yesterday because too busy although i didnt go for school and didnt go out. what a mess in my house. It took us a long tiime to clean it, until now. Cleaning project had come to the end. It is good news that my mood is coming back.
Another good news is from Lee Mui yee. This morning, she msn me that we no need pay for the steambot at her house. Alvin, this year my dad bought your favourite drinks, Justea in blue tin.
i write till here first, hope you all have a happy new year.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Reason of moodless

I sms with my god-sister just now, i say i was mood-less but don't know reason. She ask me few question. Then she tell me that i have no mood is because scare of fail in history, my mom controlling me using computer and the style of my friend. She teach me that next time when my friend ask know how to do or not, just answer so easy, but don't want tell you, ect. Tomorrow lazy go school. But can't go out with tai goh...
My warmth bed is calling me... good night all..............................

Who am i?

Who am i? Can anyone tell me? What happen to myself? ME myself also don't know. All people now in new year mood. But me? don't know why no mood at all.
Test is over and i have an A1! It is add math. Vun Bin, me really not sure that i know how to do or not. I just know that i have 3 question blur. But let you say till so bad. More moodless when say this. Inaddition, i need sorry to Ah Tian because i make u all wet when i heated up talking with V Bin just now. So boring, people happy, me sad; people sad, me happy.
What i know is for this three of test only me wrote blog. New near just left few day. what i know is waiting for gamble, gamble and gamble. Lee Mui Yee, can i gamble at your house? Wish u all have a happy new year.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

at a loose end

I think all my friend now rushing to do Additional Mathematic. All can be genius already. But me? The whole week in bad mood. Today, me is the mood-less person in the class. When I saw all my friend in pairs, I feel so lonely and sad because I need pass this years valentine day alone. This make me no mood to study. What can i do now is hope for the best. "I had do my best, I have no regret," said by William Hung. So I won't regret for my lazy-bones. I hope that all my friend can pass with flying colours, from depth of my heart.
Happy valentine for all pairs like Alvin and Nicholas. I hope the single like me can find their love one.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

1st test of the year

Today is the first monthly test. The first paper is Malay, I panic for a while because I forget the format of rumusan. My friend, Yong, he wrote it in one whole paragraph. Hope teacher still give mark to him although i love lcy(joke). He asked me for changes sit with him. But if I change with him, how about Tian, he also dreaming to sit my place to. So I didn't change sit.
After the Malay test is the chemistry test. I really blur with the question. They maybe know who am I, but I only know they are chemistry question. How to do? don't know. I just try my best but the time is limited. Another half of them I just shoot it by feelings.
For physic, my Tai-goh, Alvin didn't realize that the paper have OMR paper. He left it blank. I hope the teacher will give marks to him by the answer in the question paper. If not he won't get any marks form it.
Lin Yuan Ching, Oh Lin Yuan Ching, I got my answer for the last question but why you not let me fill in the OMR paper. Lost mark just because of you.
Chinese New Year is around the corner. Any preparation for it? NO. Just invite friend come on the fourth of the new year. New Year cloth only got buy one, but it looks like a bus drive. later the photo and i like to hear comments from you guys.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Me- The stupid guy

Today is Monday, The Monthly Test is around the corner, actually is tomorrow. Me, this stupid guy, with an idiot face, didn't do any revision except for Chemistry, (sodium, potassium, lithium, silver and ammonium is positive charge). Almost fall asleep every time i start to read. I better than those who didn't touch the cover of the book either. I put my hand on biology reference when i blogging.
Today plan is have a afternoon nap, but it not success because my notebook is calling me in my mind whole day. So i turn on my notebook and surf net. Another thing in my mind is WW. Haha. I didn't see her for few days. I though i won't be thinking of her, but now... don't talk about her better.
After the last holiday, people who REALLY close should realize that i had change a lot, including speak rude word. Another changes is on my heart, I think I had become like the ex-Nicholas, playboy. I just hope that this feeling can rub off from my heart.
HOLY! I just found out that I didn't have tomorrow test time table. Need call my friend to check it out.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

a FAST weekend

I am unhappy with my this weekend. Things that happen yesterday like just happen. When i was playing computer, "Seng, did u bath?" ask my mum suddenly. I told her later i will bath. then she ask me whether I know what is the time. I look at the clock beside the system tray of my computer, it is only 9.30pm. "its still early, mum," said me. She remain me that today is Sunday. OMG! Means that tomorrow have school. My math have done even a page.
Recall back what i do yesterday. Wake up and go school. After school, I went to Andrew's house and join with Bin for awhile. Then go back to play Andrew's computer. At that time also, I saw Andrew's God-sister. Then they go in the shop beside. I continue with my gaming till 1.30pm. Time for add math. We were late. Andrew took his bicycle to tuition, it is faster. But for me and my friend, we just walk under the hot sun.
After tuition, i went back home to sleep. After taking dinner, I go for my training with my brother that predict will continue till 11pm. But its end at 10.30pm. Then I call Pang that I going to sleep. Who knows, she sleep early than me. My calls had disturb her sweet dream. And i get scold by her"damn u". Think back also funny, before sleep also need scold by people.
I need to stop here to do my homework. But it is impossible that my mathematic exercise will complete. Because i haven bath yet. ^_^

Thursday, February 8, 2007

the coming test

This morning at school, i fell down just because i wanted to do tricks on the football. I stepped wrong on the ball and fell down like a 'SUPERMAN'. The different is only he is flying and i was lie flat. Then i realize that my hand was so pain because of the wound at my elbow. OMG! i still need go for a badminton practice this afternoon.

After finish lesson, i didn't went to eat but join with Alex Lim. Then i teamed with Nephas in double match. At first we 4 points more than the form 6 guys, but because no people count. the match continue with 4-4. OMG! Finally we lose 4~5 point just because no teamwork between us.

Like usual, i call Wendy when i was waiting my car. We talk about many thing, but at last she ask me whether the book that she borrowed me finish use or not, because the test is coming.She need to use that book. And now, i found out that maybe I will fail in my science subject-bio, phy and che.

F**K! i now found out that writing a blog is not so easy. Really can train our English grammar. But it still got one thing not enough. That is no people check the blog whether contain any mistake.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

the first post

Today at school,my brother asked me to post blog everyday. For him, this is the way to improve his English. for Andrew, this is place he wrote his dairy. For me, just for fun and place to use my free time.

Oh no! my mother start annoying at me. "Seng, i don't want you chat with your friend when you studying." I just replied easily by a yes and continue typing. my mom become angry and go out.. I need to stop here. My dad ask me to go say sorry to my mom.