Friday, February 23, 2007

the 2nd post for the day...

i just come back from my mom's friend open house. i knew i will boring at there. So i bring along my 1GB mp3. i put in new songs from PussyCat, Cassie, and Meat Loaf. i went there to represent my mom cause she have friend come our house.
In this few hours, i just sit there and hearing music. i saw a quite pretty girl. But this make me think about another girl. i compare the girl with ww and the girl i think about. Although the girl that i thinking is a bit of fat. lolz. but she is cute. ww cant even stand beside. haha.
i really know why i will write my emotion in my blog in now days. But i was happy that i have time to write this second blog... time for bed had come. Last night didn't sleep well because of her. Tonight don't will have the same situation or not? Hope not because Dick them will come to my house tomorrow morning...

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