Monday, May 7, 2007

once again, i'm BACK!!

Yo everyone! Miss me??? i think no one will do so(but i hope so).. LOL... This few days was so busy, the time just rush by without any kindness. i pass the month of April without doing anything that is meaningful. Time just pass and i feel that i loss many precious time. i use it up for unimportant things such as go for dentist and doing the robotic.

Last Friday, me, Yong and Fung went to SMK Agama to attend the last lesson for robotic. It was so special that whole hall only have one light is on. And we are below it, we just like star(just my though)... I am happy that we manage to finish half of the track till grab the empty tin. It is much more better than the time we practise in school.

For Saturday, i went for Dentist Chung, which located in town. i waste whole morning for just take turn to see the dentist. It was 11pm when my turn comes. Then i hardly can talk for 3 hours. DAMN.

Sunday, i sleep till 10 am because my teeth not in pain any more. Thanks God! In the evening, i received a paper that need my attendance to SMK Agama agian!!! Agama! Agama! Agama! Agama! Agama! Boring of this word already..

Today, i went to SMK Agama at 7.30am after assembly. We have a walk in the school till the end is their canteen. Only teacher is taking hiw breakfast there. The most happy thing is we have our recess after we came back from SMK Agama.

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