Wednesday, April 11, 2007

yo.. always in sleepy mode

Hi man!! i am energetic to write blog today. Last night i manage to sleep early at night, that is 11pm. Wake up again suddenly though is morning. i rubbed my eyes and look at the time in my hp, it is 12am. i saw 2 new massages. It is from Pang. She writes "haven...lik wanna vomit.. but cant..." . She is in suffer. Thats why i am wake up by it??? i think not. Will she think of me when sick or when she think of me then she feel wanna vomit? lol...

Return to my test result. My result was bad this time. Only my history is better than last time. It wish form my dear Lin Tze Yee. Hope i didn't spell wrong her name. Next time need ask her to wish not only form my history subject. i improve well in this subject, but for the rest that returned from teacher hand, all my dream burst. i know this will happen because i feel that last week was bad for me. i told Pang before and she ask me to think open. But still can't run from my fate. Two conclusion here, a girl's wish is powerful and fate is fate. No one will run from it.

This 22th of April i will go hear lesson with xiang and miemie. hope it won't be so boring at there. What i need to do is reload my hp with 30 credit to chat with friends.

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